Sanjay a 6-year-old boy doing grade 1 at capstone high son of Arunkumar and Subhashini achieved 10 world records and 2 Indian records for Reciting sovereign and non-sovereign states of America from India Book of Records and certified as Grand Master from Asia book records.
Identification of flags of UN unrecognized territories of North America, South America, Caribbean Islands and French Guiana from Kalam World Records, Identification of maximum international cricket personalities by Triumph World Records and Identification of 250 logos in 1 minute from Triumph World Record and Fastest identification of Anagrams and Fastest identification maximum logos in 27 seconds by Raaba world records and Maximum logos identified 1 minute from the international book of world records.

He has been awarded as Super Talented Kid by Exectis Achievement Awards and awarded star republic award from India star book of records and extraordinary talent kid 2020 by geniuses World Record. He has been titled as talent icon 2k21 by jackhi book of talents. He has been awarded Master of Talents by Raaba media. He has been awarded as a young achiever in the international Talent hunt 2020. He received international kalam golden awards 2021 as Best achiever of 2k21 and best Talent of the year. He has been awarded as international championship 2k21 by awesome kids and the unique talent kid award by the Purple wings organization.  He won a silver medal in the karate state championship.

He secured national ranking 2 in wheelbox English Olympiad and won a cash prize. He secured 4 th rank in maths in the international seek Olympiad. He secured rank 1 in English and maths Olympiads. He secured national rank 28 in Analytical Brain Competition. He secured rank 1 in English and maths silverzone Olympiads. He secured first prize in the spell bee contest conducted by the smart kid.
He has been awarded young talent, magnificent talented kid for winning more than 40 prizes in storytelling, fancy dress, speech, essay, drawing art and craft contest conducted by various organizations.

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