Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Your risk of Breast Cancer increases as you get older… Breast Cancer is Curable if detected Early! Get Screened Today! Don’t Ignore it.

  • Do not ignore any lump or node in your breasts
  • Self examine your breasts regularly
  • In case you are above 40, get your Mammogram done
  • Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol intake

Breast cancer is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells, which results in the formation of lumps within the breast. It is one of the treatable forms of cancers. If not detected early, it can be a life-threatening disease as it can also spread to other parts of the body.

Breast cancer can occur at any age but, it is most common in women above the age of 40 years. The average age of developing breast cancer has also undergone a significant shift from 50 – 70 years to 30 – 50 years.

Risk Factors:

  • Family History: Women whose mother or sister had breast cancer carry a higher risk of developing this disease.
  • Breast Lumps: Women who have had some type of non-cancerous breast lumps are more likely to develop cancer later on.
  • Dense Breast Tissue: Women with dense breast tissue have a higher chance of developing breast cancer.
  • Age: As women get older, they are at higher risk of breast cancer.
  • Diet and Lifestyle Choices: Women who smoke, eat a high-fat diet, drink alcohol are more at risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Obesity: Overweight women are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Oestrogen Exposure: Women who started having periods earlier or entered menopause later than usual are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. This is because their bodies have been exposed to oestrogen for a longer duration. 

Tips for Breast Cancer Prevention

  • It is important to self examine your breasts. Women should be aware as to how their breasts normally look and feel. If you feel any change, then consult the doctor.
  • It is advisable for women who are around 40 to get their mammography done. Mammography is a simple radiographic technique that helps in detecting irregularities in the breast tissue.
  • The addition of vegetables and fruits in your diet helps in maintaining healthy body weight.
  • For new mothers, it is advisable to breastfeed their child at least for one year.
  • Don’t smoke or drink alcohol in excess.

NEED OF THE HOUR is awareness about breast examination, beginning from 20 years of age, and regular screening from a qualified doctor, so that it can be detected early and treated successfully. 

Busting the Breast Cancer Myths:

  • A lump in your breast means you have breast cancer: Only a small percentage of lumps in the breast are cancerous. But if there is a persistent lump in the breast or any change in the breast tissue, always consult a doctor for a clinical breast exam.
  • If you have a family history of breast cancer, you will develop breast cancer, too: Only around 10% of individuals having breast cancer have a family history of this
    disease. Most women who are diagnosed with cancer have no family history.
  • Breast cancer is contagious: Breast cancer neither can be caught from someone nor can be transferred to someone. It is a non-communicable disease that results from uncontrolled cell growth of the breast tissue.
  • A mammogram can cause the spread of breast cancer: A mammogram or X-ray of the breast helps in the early detection of breast cancer. It requires a very small dose of radiation. The risk of harm from this radiation is extremely low.

Choosing a Cancer Center is an unavoidable decision when one is diagnosed with cancer. Going through numerous statistics, asking for referrals from friends and family, and researching hospitals in the area can be a daunting task. Many patients feel powerless, scared, and defeated. They face an intimidating medical condition and often don′t know where to turn for accurate information, help, and comfort.

VS Hospitals understand that people want access to advanced treatments, skilled and committed doctors, personalized attention, and to be treated with respect and dignity in a clean and positive environment. We offer a full range of cutting-edge treatment options at high levels of care and convenience. We strive to bring brighter futures to cancer patients and help improve cancer survival rates.

The range of treatments available at VS Hospitals means your care team has many options to create a personalized treatment plan that works for you. Experienced VS Hospitals Specialists take the time to help you understand your options and help you feel confident in making decisions about your care. VS Hospitals doctors are widely respected for their expertise and experience in diagnosing and treating breast cancer.

VS Hospitals with 50 Years of legacy in Healthcare, we have been fighting cancer for decades and is known as the Best Cancer Hospital in Tamilnadu. We take an individualized, personalized approach to every patient. You will discover this difference as soon as you meet our team of doctors. Our qualified cancer specialists have extensive experience in treating all types of cancers.

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VS Hospitals

When it comes to you and your family, we are just a call away. You can call us on
+91-9962242000 or visit our 100% Safe and Purely Non-COVID Facility at #815/306, Poonamallee High Road, Kilpauk, Chennai – 600010. Landmark: Near Ega Theatre Signal / Diagonally Opp. Chetpet Eco Park. You can also consult Specialists at VS Hospitals thru Online Video Consultation. Follow the link

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