COLOURS OF ARABIA | An exclusive photography exhibition by HASNAIN AHMED
Hasnain Ahmed a photographer and filmmaker, a member of Campix and HIPA, Dubai, UAE has travelled to many countries to capture people, food, culture, landscapes and more, from around the world.
His exclusive work titled ‘Colours of Arabia’ a photography exhibition was inaugurated in the city by Chief Guest Prince of Arcot Nawab Mohammed Abdul Ali, HE Consul General of Thailand Mr Nitirooge Phoneprasert & Actor Politician Khushbu Sundar participated as special invitees. A Social Benefit and service to humanity will be a part of this exhibition sales which will go to charity.
The event was attended by celebrities, art enthusiasts and prominent guests who took a look at the interesting pics depicting different faces of UAE and its swank cities. Nawabzada Mohammed Asif Ali played the perfect host for the evening and welcomed everyone.

In the pic: From L to R – Nawabzada Mohammed Asif Ali, Prince of Arcot Mohammed Abdul Ali, Consul General of Thailand Mr Nitirooge Phoneprasert, Actor Politician Khushbu Sundar, Hasnain Ahmed.
Hasnain Ahmed
is a photographer and filmmaker, a member of Campix and HIPA, Dubai, UAE. He manages his own production house called Hasnain Ahmed Productions, based in Chennai, India. He is artistically qualified from Mindscreen Film Institute in Chennai and also pursued his advanced film and photography courses from other parts of the globe. He has also travelled to many countries to capture people, food, culture, landscapes and more, from around the world.
‘Colours of Arabia’ photography exhibition
‘My aim is to bring people together around the globe by way of cultural acceptance. And what better way to understand and capture the various cultures by travel and photography.’ By capturing the beautiful moments from one place, I bring them to another land, where the people can experience it and understand the beauty of another culture. In this exhibition, Colours of Arabia, I want to take the desert culture around the globe, starting with India, because I feel there are many things common between India and Arab traditions, right from their family values to food and hospitality. Similarly, I am in the process of doing ‘Colours of India’ exhibition for the Middle-Eastern people. And, already I have lined up Africa as my next project and destination.
My objective is to be of service to humanity. A part of all my exhibition sales will always go to charity. This has ever been my motive and my inspiration to move forward in my passion.
Divine Guidance and Family Support
The Lord has always guided me in whatever success I have achieved today. My parents and my family members have always supportive to me in all my endeavours and to pursue my goal. And especially, I would like to mention the kind support of my cousin brother, Nawabzada Mohammed Asif Ali, right from the first step in my artistic journey…..