Dual Celebrations at Stella Maris College for 76th Independence Day and College Birthday

Cultural Programme
Cultural Programme

Dual Celebrations at Stella Maris College for 76th Independence Day and College Birthday

 In the history of the College, 15 August 2022, is very momentous as Stella Maris College conclude 75 years of glorious existence along with Independent India. This date also draws curtains to the year-long events and activities we conducted to celebrate our College and our vision – to giving our country, women devoted to academic excellence and all-round development.

On this special occasion, Mr. A. X. Alexander IPS (Retd), Former Director General of Police, Tamil Nadu hoisted the national flag and in his address inculcated inspiration and patriotism towards our nation by recalling the struggles of our forefathers, freedom fighters and revolutionary leaders. In his speech he drew attention to eliminating social issues such as lack of integrity in public life, corruption, casteism, lack of hygiene, plastic waste, etc. He also mentioned about the founding FMM Sisters and their continued efforts towards empowering women for the last 75 years.

Cultural programme
Cultural programme
Release of Annual College Magazine
Release of Annual College Magazine
Release of book - The Flora of Stella Maris - A Field Guide - curated by the Department of Botany
Release of book – The Flora of Stella Maris – A Field Guide – curated by the Department of Botany

Speaking on this landmark occasion, Dr. Sr. Rosy Joseph fmm, Principal, Stella Maris College stated, “Through the last year, we held several events commemorating this milestone jubilee. We were privileged to have many luminaries on campus to lead us in celebrating our accomplishment. As we march towards our centennial milestone, we continue to renew our commitment to the growth and progress of the nation and pledge to work for the continued development of all her people so that we can claim true freedom.”

Ms. Mallika Srinivasan, Chairman and Managing Director of Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited (TAFE Ltd) kindly consented to be the Chief Guest for our celebrations. In her address she stated the need for rededicating to inclusive growth and empowerment of women. She highlighted the importance of addressing the diversity gap in becoming active agents of change in altering lives of both men and women.

Padmashree Dr. Nalli Kuppuswami, Textile Industrialist and Philanthropist our guest of honour
Padmashree Dr. Nalli Kuppuswami, Textile Industrialist and Philanthropist our guest of honour
Ms. Srilakshmi Prasaad, IPS, Director General of Police (Retd), Tamil Nadu our guest of honour
Ms. Srilakshmi Prasaad, IPS, Director General of Police (Retd), Tamil Nadu our guest of honour


                                                                                                                                  Our guests of honour included Mr. Arun Mammen, Vice Chairman and Managing Director, MRF Ltd., Ms. Bhamathi Balasubramaniam IAS, Former Member, Central Administrative Tribunal, Padmashree Dr. Nalli Kuppuswami, Textile Industrialist and Philanthropist and Ms. Srilakshmi Prasaad, IPS, Director General of Police (Retd), Tamil Nadu.

Highlights of the various events that took place in honour of the Jubilee Year Celebrations (15.08.2021 – 15.08.2022) was presented to the audience. Dr. Sr. Rosy Joseph released Annual College Magazine and Sr. Judith Anita Gonsalvez, Secretary, Stella Maris College, released the book, “The Flora of Stella Maris: A Field Guide” curated by the Department of Botany.

Ms. Mallika Srinivasan, Chairman and Managing Director of Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited (TAFE Ltd) Chief Guest for our celebrations
Ms. Mallika Srinivasan, Chairman and Managing Director of Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited (TAFE Ltd) Chief Guest for our celebrations
Ms. Bhamathi Balasubramaniam IAS, Former Member, Central Administrative Tribunal our guest of honour
Ms. Bhamathi Balasubramaniam IAS, Former Member, Central Administrative Tribunal our guest of honour
Mr. Arun Mammen, Vice Chairman and Managing Director, MRF Ltd our guest of honour
Mr. Arun Mammen, Vice Chairman and Managing Director, MRF Ltd our guest of honour
Mr. A. X. Alexander IPS (Retd), Former Director General of Police, Tamil Nadu
Mr. A. X. Alexander IPS (Retd), Former Director General of Police, Tamil Nadu

Mr. A. X. Alexander IPS (Retd), Former Director General of Police, Tamil Nadu hoisted the national flag
Mr. A. X. Alexander IPS (Retd), Former Director General of Police, Tamil Nadu hoisted the national flag
Mr. A. X. Alexander IPS (Retd), Former Director General of Police, Tamil Nadu and the Ceremonial Drill
Mr. A. X. Alexander IPS (Retd), Former Director General of Police, Tamil Nadu and the Ceremonial Drill
Dr. Sr. Rosy Joseph fmm, Principal, Stella Maris College
Dr. Sr. Rosy Joseph fmm, Principal, Stella Maris College
Cake cutting ceremony
Cake cutting ceremony

Dr. Antony Rose Immaculate, Head, Department of Botany and one of the project coordinators of the book mentioned, “The College is home to hundreds of trees, plants, flowering shrubs, grasses, mosses and other species of living greenery. The book describes 207 plants that are spread across several acres of the campus. An all-inclusive compendium of data and facts on the flora on campus, this book can serve as resource material for scholars and students, as well as an interesting and informative read for environmentalists and the public.”

The jubilee celebrations culminated with a cultural programme and cake cutting ceremony.