Diabetes, Hypertension and Your Health

World Hypertension Day
World Hypertension Day

 Diabetes, Hypertension and Your Health

The presence of disease not just affects an individual, but it has an impact on the entire family. We live in a world where our physical activity has come down drastically. Daily food habits have been altered. Everyday life has become stressful for all age groups. These life style changes has contributed to the development of non-Communicable diseases (NCDs)- the most common being Diabetes and Hypertension. With these increasing trends, we need to understand more about how to keep our blood glucose levels and Blood Pressure under control.

Diabetes and Hypertension can be managed effectively through the following ways-

  1. Medication
  2. Routine testing to monitor sugar levels/ Blood Pressure recording
  3. Regular checkups with Physician
  4. Diet and Exercise

Medicines are essential to control these diseases and prevent complications. Regular sugar tests and BP recording are necessary to monitor the effect of the medicines and altering the dose or drug if needed. Routine checkup with your doctor is important. Maintaining proper nutrition helps us fight diseases by improving the immune system. Engaging in physical activities helps reduce stress and maintain optimum body weight.

When managing Diabetes and Hypertension it is very important to reflect on the lifestyle modification which involve altering our habits related to diet and physical activity, and sustaining the changes made.

We need to look at the following:

How often do we exercise?

  • Are we conscious about the foods we consume daily?
  • Are we aware of the food choices available?
  • Are we consuming sufficient fruits and vegetables?
  • Are we controlling our daily sugar and salt intake?
  • Is our sleep sufficient and sound?
  • Are we drinking sufficient water?
  • Do we know that smoking and alcohol consumption are harmful to health?

These habits need to be tracked on a daily basis until we have adopted the healthier options. It is important that family members support in helping people with Diabetes and Hypertension follow these lifestyle modifications. Accompanying them for walks or engaging in physical activities like playing games together as a family can have huge health benefits for all the family members. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help ensure people with Diabetes and Hypertension improve their quality of life. As responsible citizens let us take a greater responsibility to manage these diseases among our family and friends.

You may ask for online informational booklet “Diabetes, Hypertension and You” on this mail ID – support@reachindia.org.in