TNAU organises training  programmes

Online soft skills training programme for graduates with disabilities
Online soft skills training programme for graduates with disabilities

TNAU organises training  programmes

TNAU Information and Training Centre, Guindy, Chennai  organises the following training  programmes during July 2022

  1. Roof Gardening                             –         07.2022   – Thursday
  2. Soil and Water Quality Standards and Assessment                                    –         22.07.2022   – Friday

Roof Gardening training programme includes layout,  season, Nursery raising,  nutritional aspects, fertilizer application, training and pruning, pest & disease management,  harvesting etc.,

In the Soil and Water Quality assessment training programme, various components include the Importance of soil and irrigation water quality assessment, Collection of soil and irrigation water samples, Soil health management technologies, Nutrient management, Balanced fertilization, Soil Test Crop Response based fertilizer management for a targeted yield of the crops and Role of biofertilizers in soil health management and Nutrient management will be covered.   Further Hands-on demonstration will be given on Soil sampling and collection of Irrigation water samples.

 The programmes will be useful to urban people, homemakers, Gardeners, farmers, youths, Self Help Group and students.

Interested persons can register and confirm their participation at this office by telephone No. 044-29530048,

For more details contact: The Associate Professor and Head i/c,

TNAU Information and Training Centre, 1st Floor, Opposite CIPET,

Thiru vi ka Industrial Estate, Guindy, Phone:  044-29530048