Dementia Day Care Centre Members Made Seed Balls for Mother Earth

earth day happy faces
earth day happy faces

Dementia Day Care Centre Members Made Seed Balls for Mother Earth on World Environment Day 2022

One way to give back to the nature that nourishes and sustains us is to make seed balls. In commemoration of World Environment Day on June 5th, Members of the Dignity Dementia daycare centre were taught how to make seed balls and prepared seed balls as a heartfelt gesture to spread as much green cover as possible in our city.

DDC-members making seed balls
DDC-members making seed balls

The Dementia patients were enthusiastic about making the balls and had a great time doing it. The objective is for dementia patients to plant the bombs on the land around their homes or disperse them in open locations, then give them to friends and neighbours in honour of World Environment Day. These activities help people with dementia benefit from hands-on and sensory experiences.

DDC-making seed balls
DDC-making seed balls


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