100% results in 10th & 12th Govt Exams in RVN School of Udavum Karangal
Udavum Karangal Educational Trust maintains a school for the underprivileged girl students at Thiruverkadu. The students mostly are first generation children who are going to school, as their parents are low income daily wage earners. To support the families of these students Udavum Karangal had given them 25 kg rice with provisions and also free education ( Tuition fees waiver) during the Covid Lockdown period.
The motivated students have held the name of the RVN School high by securing 100% results in both the 10th and 12th Standard Govt. Exams 2022.
Govt. Exam Appeared Passed
12th Class 110 110
10th Class 104 104

The topper in the 12th Std of RVN School is Ms. Shanmugapriya. K, securing 582/600 – 97%. The topper in the 10th Std of RVN School is Ms. Saranya. P, securing 484/500 – 97%
The eight students of 12th Std and the four students of 10th Std, being the parentless children staying at Udavum Karangal Home have all passed in flying colours with the highest securing 90% in 12th Std and 82% in 10th Std. These children grow from day one of their birth in Udavum Karangal. They are empowered through education and put back into society as proud citizens who are educated and also have a good career to stand on their own legs.
Udavum Karangal while appreciating their efforts has also awarded the students with Cash Prizes Tuition fee waivers and incentives to all the Teachers who have put in their best in achieving success.