Rath Yatra festival of ISKCON Chennai
The 39th Rath Yatra festival of ISKCON Chennai was celebrated on Sunday, July 3rd with all pomp and glory. HH Bhanu Swami Maharaj inaugurated the festival. In his opening address, he said that this whole week is special because Jagannath Rath Yatra is celebrated all over India, in various centers. This year’s Rath Yatra is also special because it is happening after two years of lockdown. Even though during the lockdown, devotees were engaged in Krishna consciousness by chanting and glorifying the Lord, now with the lockdown over, they can participate in the Rath Yatra more enthusiastically.

He said that in one sense the world is in lockdown in maya. So, the material world is like a jail, and people are tied up in chains of maya. Though people consider themselves to be happy, they are still bound in the material world, and so if they know about the spiritual world, they will know what freedom is like. Although the scriptures give many ways to get this freedom, the easiest way in Kali Yuga is to chant the Lord’s name – the process of Namsankirtan as propagated by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

The chanting of the Lord’s name is there in all religions. Therefore, during the Rath Yatra festival, the Supreme Lord in the form of Lord Jagannath is served by kirtan. Through the festival, devotees also urge others to take up this process with fervour. The Chief Guest, Shri MK Mohan, TN MLA of the Anna Nagar Constituency graced the occasion and extended his support for future Rath Yatras. Invocation prayers were rendered by children of Bhakta Prahlad Siksha Samaj, the Children’s wing of ISKCON.

The dignitaries wore Turbans and after aarthi, the Rath started around 3 pm from Vijaya Shree Mahal, at 3rd Avenue Anna Nagar and proceeded via K4 Police Station Road, through 6th Avenue, 13th Main Road, 18th Main Road, 100-ft road, North Main Road, Park Road and finally reached Thirumal Thirumagal Vasantham Manadapam after passing through Padi Flyover Service Lane at 6:45 pm.

Hundreds participated in the procession with the devotees holding placards, pulling the rath, singing, and dancing to kirtan. Prasadam was distributed all along the way to people. Delicious pongal, puliyodarai, kesari, sundal, buttermilk, hot milk, etc. kept the devotees enthusiastic and refreshed throughout the 5km procession. At the Thirumal Thirumagal Mandapam, aarthi was performed. The celebrations were grander with the presentation of the Tamil drama “Sri Neela Madhavar” by Srila Prabhupada Theatres at 7 pm. The festival came to an end with Prasadam served to all assembled.