Chennai Investigation Specialist Bangs Awards

Dr.Hemapriya Jayapal
Dr.Hemapriya Jayapal

Chennai Investigation Specialist Bangs Awards

Dr.Hemapriya Jayapal,  Chennai bangs “The Real Super Woman Award 2022” held by Forever Star India and “Lifetime Achievement Award 2021-22” held by International Institute of Organized Research for her specialized activities in Investigation and Research with the forensic department.

Dr.Hemapriya Jayapal
Dr.Hemapriya Jayapal
Dr.Hemapriya Jayapal is ADG at National Crime Investigation Bureau, besides she is specialized as a Senior Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, National Legal Advisor, and Principal Secretary of IPMA, IPW, PWHRC, Legal Advisor of TUJ, and Public Vigilance Council. She resides at AE Block and she has done enormous rescue activities and counseling and also conducts training and awareness workshops throughout India.

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