Upcoming program on Ayurvedic treatment for COVID-19

Ayurvedic treatment for COVID-19
Ayurvedic treatment for COVID-19

Upcoming program on Ayurvedic treatment for COVID-19

Covid-19 has brought down the globe on its heels.   Everyday there is a new High for our country in terms of new cases or number of tests being done.  From an immediate hospitalization in the earilier times  to Home quarantine for most of the patients with mild symptoms and no comorbidity –  the treatment methodology has been changing.  However, we are now seeing quite a spread of the virus into various parts of the city in a non linear manner.

Is there any effective treatment for it is a big question.  Ayurveda does offer the much needed treatment.  Here is the interactive program both from the patient who has undergone the treatment and the doctors who were attending the patient perspective.
Rotary club of Chennai thiruvanmiyur and Inner wheel club of Chennai thiruvanmiyur is conducting an interactive session over zoom  on COVID-19 and Ayurvedic treatment on 30th August at 4.00pm through zoom. Dr Pallavi Naik and Dr Yamini Agalya from Sanjeevani Ayurveda Foundation  which has been treating 100s of covid patients will be talking about  covid.

  •   whats is it ?
  •  what precautions to be  taken
  • when people should approach for treatment
  • whether anybody with various ailments can approach

Both the doctors  will be predominantly answering questions from the participants on all aspects of the treatment. This is open to general public and is FREE however prior registration is necessary.    Contact rcct41@gmail.com or Mr Prem Kumar at  +919840084040 for Free registrations and your questions.

Ayurvedic treatment for COVID-19
Ayurvedic treatment for COVID-19