Dignity Foundation, Chennai Chapter organized a “1minute movie making” competition on the theme “Remember Alzheimer’s. The purpose of this activity was to increase public awareness of dementia and Alzheimer’s, promote prevention and dementia risk reduction, produce short films on dementia and Alzheimer’s with Indian cultural background as well as encouraging people toward dementia-friendly behavior.

It was a unique opportunity for the younger generations to show their support for Alzheimer’s disease. The students from various colleges and potential filmmakers from different districts of Tamil Nadu registered and competed in the competition. In total, 83 one-minute short films about Alzheimer’s were submitted.

The Jury committee comprised of Mr.Rasi Azagappan, Director and Actor, and Dr.P.Meganathan, MD, TAPAMS Group.
Dr. Sr. Rosy Joseph Fmm, Principal of Stella Maris College, inaugurated the award ceremony.
The event drew 600 students, including NSS students from Stella Maris College.
All 83 films were screened, and cash prizes were awarded to the winners in various categories. All participants were given participation mementos.

Winners of Alzheimer’s Film Festival 2022
Best Movie Category –
1st Place (Rs.25000 cash award) – “Aval Oru Mazhalai” by Dr.D.Jayaprakash from CMC, Vellore.
2nd Place (Rs.15000 cash award) – “The old” by Sai Selavanand from Chennai
3rd Place (Rs.10000 cash award) – “My Child” by T.Sathish Kumar from Chennai
Best Director (Rs.5000) – “65” by Arfin Shaji from Bishop Heber College, Trichy.
Best Cinematographer (Rs.5000) – “Unarndha Nodigal” by P.Dhinesh and KM. Krishnan from Avichi College, Chennai.
Best Editor (Rs.5000) – “A minute of Alzheimer” by J.Akash from Chennai.
The event concluded with all participants taking the oath “TO REMEMBER THOSE WHO CANNOT REMEMBER.”